February 2024

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome once again to our delightful assembly. Let us, with joyous hearts, draw inspiration from the enchanting realms of our cherished parks!

This endeavor invites you to weave tales and creations spun from the magical tapestry of theme parks. May your imaginations be guided by the whimsy and wonder of these fantastical landscapes.

In this month of mirth and celebration 🎉, we joyfully commemorate the passage of one splendid year since our inception. Behold the inspiration before you—a tableau of anniversary revelries gracing the splendid grounds of the Magic Kingdom in the illustrious realm of Disneyworld, Florida 🏰. Join us in the festivities as we revel in the tales of time and the jubilant echoes of our one-year anniversary! 🎊

Esteemed patrons, our diligent artisans have toiled tirelessly this month, and their endeavors have been blessed by the arrival of the gifted Bonnie Lynn. They extend their heartfelt gratitude and humbly beseech your gracious presence to bestow upon them the gift of your kind comments on their literary abodes. Without further delay, let us embark on a journey to witness the enchantments they have breathed into existence this month.

The Castle of Cinderella, a muse for Bonnie’s picturesque creation, mirrors its regal presence in Disney Parks across the globe. Behold, the allure of enchantment endures! 🏰✨
The inspiration for Makira’s creation flowed from the resplendent 25th-anniversary castle, gently nudged along by the allure of decadent cupcakes found within the enchanting parks.🧁
Eden, finding her muse not amidst the splendors of Cinderella’s Castle🏰 but within the bewitching corridors of Hogwarts, pays homage to the profound and magical camaraderie illustrated in the Harry Potter Series.⚡

To partake in our gathering, a simple endeavor awaits you: unfurl your art and craft provisions, 🎨 fashion a creation inspired by the realm of theme parks, and bestow upon us the honor of your contribution. Share your masterpiece by appending a link in the Inlinkz at the conclusion of this missive, or display it proudly on Instagram, tagging us @parkhoppingmyhappyplace. 📸✨

Anticipation dances in my heart as I eagerly await the unveiling of your imaginative endeavors this month! Seek guidance from our inspiration page should you require assistance in kindling the flames of your creativity.

May the theme parks that hold a cherished place in your heart continue to bestow upon you boundless joy and serve as an eternal fount of inspiration.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

A beguiling metamorphosis has graced our blog as words don a new guise, inspired by a revered wordsmith. Can you, with astute perception, divine the identity of this masterful storyteller? 🤔 A gentle nudge toward enlightenment: reflect upon the tales that birthed the grandeur of Disney castles. 🏰 Engage in the trivia challenge by inscribing your conjecture in the comments below. 🖋️

May the magical charm of your beloved theme parks continue to shower upon you endless joy, a perpetual fount of inspiration. Let the brilliance of your artistry sparkle and light up the world, dear friends! Cheers to you, Makira!

9 thoughts on “February 2024

  1. Oh… such wonderful cards… and your storytelling is wonderful! I wonder if it might be inspired by the works of Hans Christian Andersen? I know that his works inspired some of the Disney movies. The little mermaid is a favorite of mine!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Kathy! We had fun! I remember seeing the Little Mermaid when it was 1st released in the theaters, just awesome! Great story. Amazing animation. What was there not to love?! Have a great weekend! Cheers, Makira

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Bomboniera z mašno – ArtMBR

  3. Pingback: Gnomček in gobja hišica – ArtMBR

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