September 2023

Ahoy there, me hearties! Welcome aboard once again. Let’s set our sights on our beloved parks and find some inspiration!

Prepare to set sail on a mysterious journey through the realms of theme parks and all their fantastical wonders. We beckon ye to unleash yer imagination and create artworks inspired by or related to these enigmatic playgrounds.

Set yer compasses for adventure as Park Hopping My Happy Place takes ye on a treacherous voyage to the fabled shores of Disneyland in California, USA. But beware, for it is not just any land we seek, but the legendary Pirates of the Caribbean ride itself. Aye, a hidden gem among the attractions, it holds a special place in me heart, with its mesmerizing storyline, elaborate costuming, and mind-bending special effects.

Though me knowledge be limited to the parks in the States, I be well aware that these swashbucklin’ adventures can be found in far-flung corners of the world, in all the Disney parks that dot the globe. And whispers carried on the salty winds tell tales of the grandeur that awaits ye in the mesmerizing Disneyland of Shanghai.

Avast, me hearties! Hear ye, hear ye! Our generous supporters be pleased to announce the continuation of their digital treasures for this month’s voyage. The victor of our treasured inLinkx challenge shall lay claim to a bountiful $25 gift card, while the astute soul who correctly discerns the author’s identity shall be rewarded with a coveted $15 Amazon gift card. Fear not, for the fates of these prizes be determined by chance alone, ensuring that all ye brave souls stand an equal chance to claim these spoils.

In this perilous challenge, there be no restrictions nor boundaries to hold ye back. Let yer creativity run wild like a tempestuous storm at sea. Whether ye choose to craft a sculpture, or event paint a vibrant canvas, the choice be yers to make.

Behold the industrious work of our talented artisans, toiling away in the depths of this month’s endeavors. Take heed, for the fruits of their labor await your discerning eye. Venture forth and bestow upon these marvelous maidens the praise they so rightly deserve. Click upon their names, and shower them with comment love that shall echo through the digital realm.

Embrace the spirit of camaraderie and support as you partake in this wondrous journey through the realms of artistry. Let the comments overflow with adoration and appreciation, for it is through these small gestures that we forge connections and kindle the fires of creativity. Together, we shall honor the dedication and passion of our designers, bringing joy to their hearts and inspiration to their craft.

‘Tis a crafty lass named Makira, who be lovin’ the art o’ paper craftin’. And what be inspirin’ her today, ye may ask? Well, it be none other than the Pirates of the Carribean! Craftin’ this fine card fit for a pirate’s treasure hoard!
Avast ye, me hearties! Listen up and hearken to me words. We be talkin’ ’bout one fine lass named Eden, who be an avid crafter. Her designs be truly magnificent, fit for a captain’s quarters! And here be a design that be inspirin’ her, one that be close to me own pirate heart. Witch Valley from Studio Ghibli Park be the muse for this fine piece. Arrr, it be a sight to behold, mateys!
Arrr, ye scallywags, gather ’round and listen well! Makira, that crafty matey, be keepin’ herself occupied with some fine plunder from the likes of Tim Holtz. Look ye here, for she be takin’ her inspiration from the Not So Scary Halloween Party at the grand Disney’s Magic Kingdom in the land of Florida! Arrr, can ye imagine the treasures she be creatin’? Aye,it be a sight to reckon with, me fellow buccaneers!

To join our merry band, unfurl thy creativity upon a canvas of choice. Whether ’tis paint, paper, or digital mastery, let the spirit of theme parks guide thy hand. Share thy creation by adding a link in the Inlinkz below, or embark on a digital quest through Instagram using the hashtag #parkhoppingmyhappyplace.

The anticipation swells within me as I eagerly await the unveiling of your creations. Each stroke of the brush and every intricately crafted piece shall weave a tapestry of joy and inspiration. Seek guidance from our inspiration page, should your muse require a gentle nudge to spark its fiery brilliance.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

And let us not forget, dear comrades, our verbal challenge that lies entwined within these words. As you delve into the depths of our post, unfurl the labyrinthine tapestry that cloaks its prose. If the secrets of its essence reveal themselves to thee, I beseech thee to share your revelation in the catacombs of comments below. Raise your voice and let your insight shine!

With a resounding cheer, I bid thee farewell until destiny conspired to reunite us amidst the marvels of Park Hopping My Happy Place. Makira

August 2023 Winners and Spotlights

We have our Center Stage Designers for July!

#18 Meghan β€“ inspired by the Hulk Coaster. I absolutely love this card! The color combination is fantastic, and the coloring of this chibi-Hulk is precious. πŸ’šπŸ’ͺ

#45-BeverlyInspired by Disney’s Under the Sea – Journey of the Little Mermaid ride. I adore this fun crown! πŸ‘‘πŸ’™ A crazy creative piece.

#93 Yvonne β€“ inspired by Eftling Park’s elephant attraction. I adore the bold colors, layers and embellishments. 🎒🎨😊


If you want to be a designer for our designer spotlight, please email

The author I was trying to emulate was…

Hans Christian Anderson

The lucky winner of the Amazon gift card?

#1 Congratulations, Denise

So who is the lucky winner of the gift card?

#34 Congratulations, Meghan

and here is her Knott’s Berry Farm-inspired card…

Congratulations! Please email me at with your email address so we can send your prize link. Please email me no later than
September 15th.  All prizes
not claimed will be forfeited. 

Thanks to everyone who joined in with the challenge, and we hope you will all join in our current challenge too!